Energy experts gather annually to participate in the energy summit which is sponsored by the West Virginia Governor's Office, the West Virginia Department of Commerce and the Southern States Energy Board. The 2016 summit was held at the Stonewall Resort in Roanoke, WV October 6-7 2016.
WVU Energy Research: Leveraging Our Strengths, Expanding Our Impact
Brian Anderson, director
West Virginia University Energy Institute
Defining the Future — The Imperative of Fossil Energy Research
Sean Plasynski, Ph.D.
acting deputy director and chief operating officer National Energy Technology Laboratory
EPA's Impact on West Virginia's Economic Assets
Eugene Trisko
United Mine Workers of America
Bill Raney, president
West Virginia Coal Association
Ohio Valley University Alternative Clean Energy Center
Jeffrey Dimick, executive vice president
Ohio Valley University
Carbon Uptake by West Virginia Forests
Jingxin Wang, professor of Wood Science & Technology
director of Biomaterials & Wood Utilization Research Center
associate director for research Division of Forestry and Natural Resources, WVU
Ian MacRobbie, general manager
Eastern Region Operations, Green Power, Inc., Enbridge
Evaluation of Coal-derived Diesel Fuel
Josh Israel, associate director of business development
Center for Alternative Fuels, Engines, and Emissions, WVU
Characterizing Rare Earth Elements in West Virginia Coal Measures
Jessica Moore, geologist
West Virginia Geological & Economic Survey
Status of the Solar Energy Industry in West Virginia
Colin Williams, vice president of sales and marketing
Mountain View Solar
A Geological Perspective on WV's Natural Gas Resources
Mark Zatezalo, hydrogeologist, M.P. Zatezalo Associates, LLC
District 1 (Hancock and Brooke counties), West Virginia House of Delegates
Current State of the Oil and Natural Gas Industry in West Virginia
Charlie Burd, executive director
Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia
Planned Natural Gas Electric Generation
Suriyun Sukduang, vice president, engineering and project development
Quantum Utility Generation
West Virginia: Rich in Energy and Rich in Nature
Beth Wheatley, director of external affairs
Michelle McGregor, senior oil and gas development advisor
The Nature Conservancy
Ken Means, professor
mechanical and aerospace engineering
Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources, WVU
Residential Energy Code Field Study
Chris Ilardi, project director
Home Builders Association of West Virginia Foundation
Plugging In to Unplug at a West Virginia State Park
Paul Redford, district administrator of Lodge and Resort Parks
West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, Parks and Recreation Section
A Brief Overview of Coal to Chemicals: Opportunities and Obstacles
Kevin DiGregorio, Ph.D., executive director
Chemical Alliance Zone
Fossil and Geothermal Energy Resource Assessments and Energy Solution Options at Camp Dawson
Randy Gemmen, team supervisor for Innovative Energy
and Water Processes, Research and Innovation Center, NETL
Longview: The Future of Clean Coal
Jeff Keffer, chief executive officer, Longview
Stephen Nelson, chief operating officer, Longview